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Upload the data of temperature and humidity to IOT Platform

userHead xjme 2014-05-06 09:46:44 8874 Views5 Replies

This article mainly introduces how to upload your data of temperature and humidity to devicebit.com. Follow the instruction, and you will see how simple it is. http://www.devicebit.com/dev/doc/175

Note: The DeviceBit E-KIT used in this tutorial is a board including an Arduino UNO and W5100. You can use Arduino UNO+W5100 to replace the DeviceBit E-KIT.

You need to have:
1. DeviceBit E-KIT(X1) with quick-plug-shield


2. DFROBOT SHT11 sensor(X1), Purchase link:
http://www.dfrobot.com/index.php?route= ... 2G-5fmSyo0


3. An account on DeviceBit.com (http://www.devicebit.com/home/login)
[img]http://www.devicebit.com/UserFiles/WIFI ... Snap13.jpg[/img]

You need to get these things ready:
1. Add 2 sensors on the website. One is the temperature sensor, and the other is humidity the sensor just below your device “01”, and remember to untick Yes (set your device’s “controllable” to “No”), because we’ll not control our device at this moment. Edit their ID to “temp” and “hum” respectively, for we will need them in our codes later.

[img]http://www.devicebit.com/UserFiles/API% ... ap2(1).jpg[/img]





2. Download the arduino IDE from www.arduino.cc. Remember to select the version 1.0.5, not the latest version 1.5.0 by now.

3. Plug E-KIT to usb port and installed the drivers using the Arduino UNO .

OK, here comes the tutorial.
1. Download 2 libraries from github.com for free:
Put them to your arduino library directory, such as d:arduinolibraries


2. Open arduino IDE now,
Select File->Examples->DeviceBitHttpClient->Upload_Temperature_Humidity_Using_Sht11;
Replace “YOUR_API_KEY_HERE” with your user key in the user center of DeviceBit My account->Account settings.


3. Connect sht11 data wire to the shield D4(not Analog foot), and clock wire to D5.


4. Upload codes to E-KIT, and plug network cable to E-KIT. Your sensor’s value should on the website now.


1 You can monitor the data of your temperature and humidity in real-time by visiting m.devicebit.com via your mobile phone.
2 The data of your temperature and humidity can be sent to Twitter, and daily or weekly reports can be sent to your E-mail.
3 For more practical functions of DeviceBit, please refer to http://www.devicebit.com/dev/doc/167.

2015-06-19 12:38:36 I am not familiar with the data-transfer field. but I guess the Protocols of video uploading is different with the sensor data which is much less. :shock:

Abrahamer wrote:hi
I would like to know if does the Media Player/Internet Tablet 320GB. can I  use the WIFI to upload music and photos and data automatically to the player without USB cable ?

userHeadPic Leff
2015-01-10 19:02:49 hi
I would like to know if does the Media Player/Internet Tablet 320GB. can I  use the WIFI to upload music and photos and data automatically to the player without USB cable ?

userHeadPic Abrahamer
2014-05-06 16:18:00 @Grey
Which wifi shield do you have?
userHeadPic xjme
2014-05-06 10:35:17 Hi, Grey

Can't insert images now.  :(

You can visit  http://www.devicebit.com/dev/doc/175 for detail.
userHeadPic xjme
2014-05-06 10:19:25 wow, it is a very nice project.
There day, I am working on the WIFI project.
How about achieving this project via wifi shield?
It will be very cool.

Cheers  8)
userHeadPic Grey.CC