
missing MaQueen Plus in Mind+ Kit choices

userHead matulac.melvin 2020-06-20 04:30:54 17116 Views7 Replies
Maqueen plus is not found so access of 6 sensors (line tracing) is not yet possible with Mind+
2020-06-27 17:45:26 Can you provide an answer please?

Do you AGREE that there are NO MOTOR COMMANDS to use the ENCODER sensors?
And that you are working on an UPGRADE to this effect?
userHeadPic matulac.melvin
2020-06-25 03:44:00 Tried your suggestion and found MaQueen Plus in SHIELD
Check, I found how to access all 6 line tracing sensors
NOT OK, ENCODER is not used for both left and right motor.
Encoder gives possibility of moving while counting the turns.

But motor commands are the following

maqueenPlus.motorRun(maqueenPlus.LEFT, maqueenPlus.CW, 200);
maqueenPlus.mostotCompensation(maqueenPlus.LEFT, 200);

Where 200 is a function of power (or voltage) and NOT RPM or distance to travel.
I will need a way to USE the ENCODER automatically during motor movement.

Thank you
userHeadPic matulac.melvin
2020-06-24 18:45:00 Even ONLINE VERSION of MIND+ does not have MaQueen Plus userHeadPic matulac.melvin
2020-06-24 18:41:13 Hello dd as instructed. Uninstall... then download and install Mind+ V1.6.4 RC10
found in http://mindplus.cc/download-en.html

Unfortunately, it is the same. Extensions does not have MaQueen PLUS in Kit options.
Are you referring to a different version? Can you provide the download link?
userHeadPic matulac.melvin
2020-06-21 01:15:24 Further observed missing blocks
(I got the package -kit and it looks well)

MaQueen Plus has encoders for the motors. GREAT!
But no blocks to access the encoder

robot move forward at RPM ,
robot move forward for DIST which can be a measure of clicks in encoder or full wheel rotation.

How soon can this version be available... I have major plans for this product.
userHeadPic matulac.melvin
2020-06-20 14:25:46 Blocks only have read left (P13) line tracking sensor and
read right(P14) line tracking sensor

How to use the other 4 sensors found in MaQueen Plus
userHeadPic matulac.melvin
2020-06-20 04:30:54 Maqueen plus is not found so access of 6 sensors (line tracing) is not yet possible with Mind+ userHeadPic matulac.melvin