SIM7000 Shield only works when plugged in to PC

We are trying to communicate with the SIM7000E shield module from a CubeCell HTCC-AB01 board via SoftwareSerial.
SIM7000E shield is connected to 12V.
CubeCell is connected to PC via USB.
CubeCell & SIM7000E shield grounds are connected.
CubeCell Rx is connected to SIM7000 Rx through a voltage divider due to the difference of logic level voltages between them.
The CubeCell is constantly sending the AT command “AT” and waiting for a response. The command seems to be sent without any problems, but no response is ever received.
However, if I connect the SIM7000E shield's USB to the PC the CubeCell start receiving the AT commands responses. When I disconnect the cable the CubeCell stops receiving again.
This is very odd behaviour. Any help on shedding some light on the issue is very much welcomed.
Thank you.
Also check the voltage and current ratings of your power supply. You can check the voltage with a multimeter to be sure.