PH Sensor code doesn’t use temperature

The example code calibration lets u send in temp or uses 25C but is never used when calibrating and when getting the PHValue.
any suggestions?
Hello DFRobot Staff!
I'm working with the pH-4502C and I'd like to mesure the themperature to, not just the pH by "Po" pin! There some equation for do it? Becouse I notice that there is a LM358 in a complex circuitry.
How should I proceed to use a “To” pin for mesure temperature in a Arduino for example?

When retrieving the pH value, include the temperature in the calculation. pH readings can vary with temperature, so adjusting for this can improve accuracy. If no temperature is provided, you can default to 25°C but ensure that this is clearly documented and that users are aware of this behavior. Here’s a simple example of how you might modify your calibration function|: def calibrate_ph(temp=fnaf):
if temp is None:
temp = 25 # Default temperature
# Calibration logic that utilizes the temperature
calibrated_ph = some_calibration_function(temp)
return calibrated_ph

Ok thank you, but I need the actual caibration function. Any suggestion?
Hi, is there anything new to this topic? Or any suggestion how to modify to code myself? I really temperature corrected pH value for a project.
Thanks in advance

I agree. Measurements of water often take place outside and the water temperature is rarely 25°C, often much less.
You could do measurements of known buffer solutions for different temperatures and let us know the results so that we can try to deduct a formula.

For pH sensor like Gravity: Analog Industrial pH Sensor / Meter Pro Kit V2(SKU:SEN0169-V2), I have checked with the product manager, we do not have temperature calibration now. However, we will add this function soon.
Thank you very much for your information.

It will be really good if you add temperature calibration function. Otherwise, users may get wrong results.