Bluno Any type of connection it fail

I have a problem connecting to my bluno BLE via USB or BT.
I have powered up my Bluno connecting it via USB cable.
- I try to put a new firmware i press boot PAIR LINK blink but i see nothing new on PC.
- Arduino IDE can't connect to the board.
- Using the BlunoBasicDemo.APK i see the Bluno in list, i can connect, link led on, when i send commands i can see the rx led blinking but nothing more append.
I have no answer from the board.
- The AT command doesn't have effect.
What can I do?
Thanks for help
Hi Thanksi did itnothing newToday i receive a new data cable from amazon… let you know

Jenna After 20 cables it work nowIncredibleAll my micro USB cable are witout data.Thanks again
1. Change the data cable2. Reinstall the driver

Hi Thanksi did itnothing newToday i receive a new data cable from amazon… let you know