Bluno Troubleshooting

Bluno Any type of connection it fail

userHead RobyGrosso 2022-11-25 08:10:53 874 Views4 Replies

I have a problem connecting to my bluno BLE via USB or BT.
I have powered up my Bluno connecting it via USB cable.
- I try to put a new firmware i press boot PAIR LINK blink but i see nothing new on PC.
- Arduino IDE can't connect to the board.
- Using the BlunoBasicDemo.APK i see the Bluno in list, i can connect, link led on, when i send commands i can see the rx led blinking but nothing more append.
I have no answer from the board.
- The AT command doesn't have effect.

What can I do?
Thanks for help

2022-11-26 00:22:36

Hi Thanksi did itnothing newToday i receive a new data cable from amazon… let you know 


userHeadPic RobyGrosso
RobyGrosso wrote:

Jenna After 20 cables it work nowIncredibleAll my micro USB cable are witout data.Thanks again

2022-11-30 05:35:37
1 Replies
2022-11-25 22:30:02


1. Change the data cable2. Reinstall the driver

userHeadPic jenna
RobyGrosso wrote:

Hi Thanksi did itnothing newToday i receive a new data cable from amazon… let you know 

2022-11-26 00:23:00
1 Replies