SEN0359 Fingerprint sensor setDuplicationCheck() confusion

Hello I'm working on a fingerprint matching system that is coded using the Arduino IDE interfacing with an ESP8266 microcontroller. I'm using the module's setDuplicaitonCheck() function to turn the module fingerprint replication check on (Check whether the fingerprint has been registered when saving it). However, I'm confused on its function- I've loaded up the basic registration example and I've set the duplication check to on but the module still allows me to register the same finger print over and over.
So can anyone tell me how this function is supposed to work and how to actually implement a duplication check for a pre registered finger?
This is the registration example I'm using the only thing I've altered is that I set the duplication check to be on within the void setup():
#include <Wire.h>
* @file fingerprintRegistration.ino
* @brief Fingerprint Acquisition and Saving
* @details This module can be controlled by hardware serial or software serial
* @n Experiment Phenomenon:auto retrieve unregistered ID, collect fingerprint 3 times.
* @n In collecting, set LED ring to breathing lighting in blue, and then to quick blink in yellow 3 times when completed
* @n At last, save the fingerprint in an unregistered ID, the green LED lights up for 1s and turns off.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2010 DFRobot Co.Ltd (
* @License The MIT License (MIT)
* @author [Eddard]([email protected])
* @version V1.1
* @date 2020-03-19
* @url
#include <DFRobot_ID809_I2C.h>
#define COLLECT_NUMBER 3 //Fingerprint sampling times, can be set to 2-3
DFRobot_ID809_I2C fingerprint;
//String desc;
void setup(){
/*Init print serial port */
/*Take FPSerial as communication port of the module*/
/*Wait for Serial to open*/
/*Test whether the device can communicate properly with mainboard
Return true or false
while(fingerprint.isConnected() == false){
Serial.println("Communication with device failed, please check connection");
/*Get error code information*/
//desc = fingerprint.getErrorDescription();
//Setting the duplication check feature to be on and checking if its on
int checking = fingerprint.getDuplicationCheck();
Serial.print("Checking status is set to: ");
uint8_t ID,i,ret;
void loop(){
/*Get an unregistered ID for saving fingerprint
Return ID when succeeded
Return ERR_ID809 if failed
if((ID = fingerprint.getEmptyID()) == ERR_ID809){
/*Get error code information*/
//desc = fingerprint.getErrorDescription();
Serial.print("unresistered ID,ID=");
i = 0; //Clear sampling times
/*Fingerprint sampling 3 times*/
while(i < COLLECT_NUMBER){
/*Set fingerprint LED ring mode, color, and number of blinks
Can be set as follows:
Parameter 1:<LEDMode>
eBreathing eFastBlink eKeepsOn eNormalClose
eFadeIn eFadeOut eSlowBlink
Parameter 2:<LEDColor>
eLEDGreen eLEDRed eLEDYellow eLEDBlue
eLEDCyan eLEDMagenta eLEDWhite
Parameter 3:<Number of blinks> 0 represents blinking all the time
This parameter will only be valid in mode eBreathing, eFastBlink, eSlowBlink
fingerprint.ctrlLED(/*LEDMode = */fingerprint.eBreathing, /*LEDColor = */fingerprint.eLEDBlue, /*blinkCount = */0);
Serial.print("The fingerprint sampling of the");
Serial.println("(th) is being taken");
Serial.println("Please press down your finger");
/*Capture fingerprint image, 10s idle timeout
IF succeeded, return 0, otherwise, return ERR_ID809
if((fingerprint.collectionFingerprint(/*timeout = */10)) != ERR_ID809){
/*Set fingerprint LED ring to quick blink in yellow 3 times */
fingerprint.ctrlLED(/*LEDMode = */fingerprint.eFastBlink, /*LEDColor = */fingerprint.eLEDYellow, /*blinkCount = */3);
Serial.println("Sampling succeeds");
i++; //Sampling times +1
Serial.println("Sampling failed");
/*Get error code information*/
//desc = fingerprint.getErrorDescription();
Serial.println("Please release your finger");
/*Wait for finger to release
Return 1 when finger is detected, otherwise return 0
/*Save fingerprint in an unregistered ID */
if(fingerprint.storeFingerprint(/*Empty ID = */ID) != ERR_ID809){
Serial.print("Saving succeed,ID=");
/*Set fingerprint LED ring to always ON in green */
fingerprint.ctrlLED(/*LEDMode = */fingerprint.eKeepsOn, /*LEDColor = */fingerprint.eLEDGreen, /*blinkCount = */0);
/*Turn off fingerprint LED ring */
fingerprint.ctrlLED(/*LEDMode = */fingerprint.eNormalClose, /*LEDColor = */fingerprint.eLEDBlue, /*blinkCount = */0);
Serial.println("Saving failed");
/*Get error code information*/
//desc = fingerprint.getErrorDescription();
This is the output from the serial monitor, it shows me being constantly registering a finger this is the same finger each time:
The Github for the sensor is here which has the same function with the description:

After reading your code, I think that is the issue with the code, not the function.
To use the duplicationCheck function of Fingerprint sensor(SEN0356), you have to include this function in your loop() part, so that it will call the function and check whether the fingerprint has already be saved.
Hope it can help.

So I have to setDuplicationCheck() at the point in the loop where I want to check for duplication? As far as I'm aware there is no function which actually carries out the check? There is only a function to "enable" the feature (the set one) and also a function to verify the feature is on: getDuplicationCheck().