Can't publish anything on ThingSpeak with makecode and microbit dfrobot extension board - help

I have a dfrobot microbit environment science extension board marqued as (v3.0)
I have tried to publish data to my thingspeak channel. All is well configarated in thingspeak.
I have read the tutorial and unfortunately I'm not able to publish any data on the channel…
I've tried manualy with my firefox browser “” and it works fine
But in the makecode program it does'nt …
My program lokks like this, what is wrong ???
Thank you for your help ;-)

We do not have microbit environment science extension board marqued as (v3.0). Did you mean Environment Science Expansion Board V2.0 for micro:bit (SKU:MBT0034)?
If yes, could you please try sending a message to your Thingspeak, and check whether your board has connected to your wifi correctly or not?
Your code seems right, However, it is recommended to add a delay (for 1 second, for example) at the end of forever block, which can avoid some problem.