FireBeetle ESP32e + 18650 + solar panel

I'm powering the FireBeetle ESP32e with 18650 battery and it seems working OK.
When wake up, FireBeetle reads 3x soil moisture sensors + 1x BME280 and upload data via MQTT before goes back into deep sleep.
For testing, I run this at 30 second interval for about 12 hours:

(top 3 lines are the soil moisture sensors, thick red line in the middle is the temperature from BME280 and lower green is the voltage from A0 pin.)
I have some questions:
1. As you can see above graph there is a gap between 21:30 to 22:00 where the FireBeetle failed to wake up. I had to manually press the reset pin to turn it back on. I've experienced this a few times while I was testing with 18650 last 2-3 days. The battery level was about 3.9v which is within the FireBeetle's operating range. Any idea what's wrong?
2. Can I safely cut the "Low-power Solder Jumper Pad" for saving battery power during deep sleep? For an IoT sensor I don't need the LED.
3. After the battery test, I'll move on to the solar panel connection. I'm considering a 6v solar panel and for the connection I've purchase the followings: DfRobot Solar Charger v1.0 and TP4056 but not sure which one is suitable. Can you advise?
4. I notice that the FireBeetle onboard battery charger is TP4056 as well. I'm not sure I need another TP4056 for solar panel connection. Can I connect the solar panel directly to FireBeetle's VCC?
Hi, Sorry for the very late reply, but I just found your post and I plan to do a very similar thing, based on Firebeetle ESP32 C6, but I did not received it yet. I think it will be a better option for solar power management, using the CN3165 integrated on the Firebeetle ESP32 C6 board.
Looking at your picture, it seems that the sensors are powered up when the ESP32 is in deep sleep, and I guess they drain the battery for nothing 90% of time. What about using a Mosfet such as AO4606 to switch off the sensors when they are not needed ?