(Mostly) Finished Project - 3D Printed Compact Case for Fermion 3.5" + FireBeetle 2 ESP32-E
Just wanted to share my design for a compact case for these products:
- Printable Files - https://www.printables.com/model/365531-case-for-dfrobot-fermion-35-display-firebeetle-2-e - CAD Files: https://cad.onshape.com/documents/154f6352c0684ad1f6c7c213/w/fc14bd7f4f4cbd5dd5e331f6/e/9d38a001906b3d559ebe56d0?renderMode=0&uiState=645fad6c67514b35888ba86f
Uses 3xAAA batteries, battery contacts, and a bunch of M2 screws. Has some spacing + mounting holes for a small solderable mini-breadboard from SparkFun
2023-05-17 16:58:54
Thanks. Would like to see the final outcome after printing.
bidrohini.bidrohini tcamps
2023-07-30 01:20:55 1 Replies
The printables.com page has pictures of the final print