Bluno Bee TEL0073 Questions

userHead Hsin.Cheng 2023-08-03 10:33:46 554 Views5 Replies



I am looking at the product page about Bluno Bee TEL0073. It seems that there is no description about how to connect Bluno Bee to existing pins on an Arduino Uno/Mega board.


Could anyone give me a detailed description/illustration about which pins on the Bluno Bee should be connected to which pins of Uno/Mega? I am looking for an one-to-one pin assignment.


Thank you very much for your help.

2023-08-03 21:48:08

There is an XBEE socket allows you to plug the TEL0093 directly into the extension shield:

userHeadPic Yeez_B
Hsin.Cheng wrote:

I am sorry. I am doing a maker project that is highly area- and weight-constrained. The extension shield is both too large and heavy for me. But I still highly appreciate your comment!

2023-08-04 06:05:23
1 Replies
2023-08-03 19:00:20

The TEL0073 is using the Serial port the communicate with the mainboard. And the serial is TTL level

So you just need to connect 3.3V and GND on the 3.3/GND of the Arduino board.

Then TX to D0, RX to D1. That will be fine.


Or you could just use the extension board released by DFRobot, which is compatible with the Arduino UNO and MEGA

userHeadPic Yeez_B
Hsin.Cheng wrote:

I see. Connect the power pins and the TX/RX pins (4 pins in total). This is super helpful. Thank you so much!

2023-08-04 06:02:41
Yeez_B wrote:

Sure, have fun with that Bluno Bee.

2023-08-04 22:57:55
2 Replies