PH Sensor random values

I calibrated the PH sensor with the 4.0 and 7.0 solution and Arduino Uno. But my project will be based on Arduino UNO Wfi R4. When I upload your code to the R4 and I have the sensor in the 4.0 solution, the PH reads 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and then random numbers. Also I cannot ente into calibration. When I type ENTERPH nothing happen. Thank you.
You can cross-check the sensor with an Arduino UNO R3. If the problem persists, then the sensor itself has a problem. If it runs well with R3, then it's a matter of version incompatibility.

Can you confirm that you iclude the correct library?Because this library is not yet adapted to Arduino UNO R4, you will get a strupr error when compiling.
This bug is currently being fixed and tested by the DFRobot R&D team.

Thank you for your help. To make sure, I downloaded the library with the link you provided. I remove the old one, install the library pasted the following code from WIKI, connect my board and select Arduino R4 WIFI and compile.
no error.
Sketch uses 52664 bytes (20%) of program storage space. Maximum is 262144 bytes.Global variables use 6932 bytes (21%) of dynamic memory, leaving 25836 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 32768 bytes.
Can anyone help with this PH Sensor? Is there a DFRobot forum where we can get support? Thank you

I tried library DFRobot_PH and DFRobot_ESP_PH_BY_GREENPONIK-master

Hello, This sensor is expensive. I would appreciate help to make it work correctly. Thank you.

Could you posted which pH sensor and the library you are using? Cuz DFRobot have multiple pH sensor and each of them has slightly different in usage.

Sure thank you.