Regarding C4001 Presence Detection Sensor

I am working on a project using the C4001 human presence detection sensor, to which extent I was using the library written by Zhixin Liu.
I m using the DFRobot Firebeetle ESP32S3 with the Arduino framework alongside PlatformIO to add multiple presence detection sensors which would provide us with readings for presence detected within a certain range. I used I2C initially, which worked really well. However, I was unable to get it working with UART for some reason. I made use of the starter code provided with minimal changes made to it. I will attach the code at the end of this post; in case you would like to double check what I have written. In summary, when I open the serial monitor from within VSCode, I don't get any form of output. In fact, this seems to happen whenever I try to call any of the radar's written functions.
Would you be able to advise on what I am doing wrong, so I can fix the associated issues?
Looking forward to hearing from you. Many thanks in advance for your time and consideration.
Kind regards
#include "DFRobot_C4001.h"
//#define I2C_COMMUNICATION //use I2C for communication, but use the serial port for communication if the line of codes were masked
const uint8_t RadarAddress = 0x2A; //default iic_address
* DEVICE_ADDR_1 = 0x2B
DFRobot_C4001_I2C radar(&Wire, RadarAddress);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* board | MCU | Leonardo/Mega2560/M0 | UNO | ESP8266 | ESP32 | microbit | m0 |
* VCC | 3.3V/5V | VCC | VCC | VCC | VCC | X | vcc |
* GND | GND | GND | GND | GND | GND | X | gnd |
* RX | TX | Serial1 TX1 | 5 | 5/D6 | D2 | X | tx1 |
* TX | RX | Serial1 RX1 | 4 | 4/D7 | D3 | X | rx1 |
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Baud rate cannot be changed */
#if defined(ARDUINO_AVR_UNO) || defined(ESP8266)
SoftwareSerial mySerial(4, 5);
DFRobot_C4001_UART radar(&mySerial, 9600);
#elif defined(ESP32)
DFRobot_C4001_UART radar1(&Serial1, 9600, /*rx*/ D2, /*tx*/ D3);
DFRobot_C4001_UART radar(&Serial1, 9600);
void setup() {
while (!radar.begin()) {
Serial.println("NO Deivces !");
Serial.println("Device connected!");
// speed Mode
sSensorStatus_t data;
data = radar.getStatus();
// 0 stop 1 start
Serial.print("work status = ");
// 0 is exist 1 speed
Serial.print("work mode = ");
// 0 no init 1 init success
Serial.print("init status = ");
* min Detection range Minimum distance, unit cm, range 0.3~20m (30~2500), not exceeding max, otherwise the function is abnormal.
* max Detection range Maximum distance, unit cm, range 2.4~20m (240~2500)
* thres Target detection threshold, dimensionless unit 0.1, range 0~6553.5 (0~65535)
if (radar.setDetectThres(/*min*/ 11, /*max*/ 1200, /*thres*/ 10)) {
Serial.println("set detect threshold successfully");
// set Fretting Detection
// get confige params
Serial.print("min range = ");
Serial.print("max range = ");
Serial.print("threshold range = ");
Serial.print("fretting detection = ");
void loop() {
Serial.print("target number = ");
Serial.println(radar.getTargetNumber()); // must exist
Serial.print("target Speed = ");
Serial.println(" m/s");
Serial.print("target range = ");
Serial.println(" m");
Serial.print("target energy = ");