object recognition issue

userHead Miles.Leach 2024-06-04 18:36:58 414 Views2 Replies

I am using the object recognition feature with arduino on the husky lens. I am wanting to use one of the specific built in objects (there are 20 of them) for a project I am working on. How can I achieve this as the ID returned from the built in objects is always a zero?

2024-06-05 10:17:37

You can use additional attributes provided by the HuskyLens library such as position (x and y coordinates), size (width and height), and other characteristics to differentiate between the objects.

userHeadPic lia.ifat
Miles.Leach wrote:

thank you for your response, is there a method to determine this such as if a person is detected…are we not able to get the detected but unlearned objects name?

2024-06-05 10:24:52
1 Replies