FireBeetle 2 ESP32 C6 and SD Breakout board using SPI

userHead Jim.Tallent 2024-06-18 14:33:58 347 Views3 Replies

I am wanting to add an SPI SD breakout board like the adafruit one to my project using the FireBeetle 2 ESP32 C6.  I'm a bit confused about the pins.  As per documentation the FireBeetle 2 ESP32 C6 has one SPI port on pins 21 (miso), 22 (mosi) and 23 (sck).  However I'm use to also having a specific CS (chip select pin) available.  The FireBeetle 2 ESP32 C6 does not identify or suggest a chip select pin.  Can anyone tell me if I can use any pin for this purpose?

2024-06-22 02:45:45

D7 is the SD card chip select pin. 

userHeadPic lia.ifat
2024-06-22 02:44:48

Please check out the pinout here:


userHeadPic lia.ifat