SEN0405: Accelerometer data at 100Hz

userHead Nicolas_1410 2024-06-27 01:29:10 407 Views2 Replies



I try to retrieve data using a SEN0405 accelerometer on a raspberry Pi4.

Using examples, I manage to get data, but at a low rate. However, I do configure it with the appropirate rate.

I tried several power modes.

Data are recorded in a file with timestamping. There is no consistency in time and only 10-12 data per seconds.

How is it possible to get data at a real rate of 100Hz, with a timestamping incrementing 10ms.


Thanks, any help with this issue would be greatly appreciated

2024-07-18 05:41:22

I also use chatGPT with no success

Solution is to go with C.

Python is way too slow to manage register reading efficiently. With C, I can go to the max sampling freq easily

The ST C exemples are very great


userHeadPic Nicolas_1410