Help me to fix a problem a python driver for micro:bit and card DFR0548 TCS34725.

I want to develop a driver in micropython to drive two motors with a micro:bit and the card DFR0548.
I use the i2c bus to drive the motors via the board TCS34725.
I have programmed the i2c bus for other devices in python without any problems.
I don't understand why my code is not working !!!
I tested my hard platform it works correctly under makecode.
Here is my python code :
from microbit import *
import ustruct
import time
class PCA9685:
def __init__(self, address=0x40):
self.address = address
def _write(self, address, value):
i2c.write(self.address, bytearray([address, value]))
def _read(self, address):
i2c.write(self.address, bytearray([address]))
return, 1)[0]
def reset(self):
self._write(0x00, 0x00) # Mode1
def freq(self, freq=None):
if freq is None:
return int(25000000.0 / 4096 / (self._read(0xfe) - 0.5))
prescale = int(25000000.0 / 4096.0 / freq + 0.5)
old_mode = self._read(0x00) # Mode 1
self._write(0x00, (old_mode & 0x7F) | 0x10) # Mode 1, sleep
self._write(0xfe, prescale) # Prescale
self._write(0x00, old_mode) # Mode 1
self._write(0x00, old_mode | 0xa1) # Mode 1, autoincrement on
def pwm(self, index, on=None, off=None):
if on is None or off is None:
i2c.write(self.address, bytearray([0x06 + 4 * index]))
data =, 4)
return ustruct.unpack('<HH', data)
address = bytearray(1)
address[0] = 0x06 + 4 * index
data = ustruct.pack('<HH',on, off)
print(address + data)
i2c.write(self.address, address + data)
def duty(self, index, value=None, invert=False):
if value is None:
pwm = self.pwm(index)
if pwm == (0, 4096):
value = 0
elif pwm == (4096, 0):
value = 4095
value = pwm[1]
if invert:
value = 4095 - value
return value
if not 0 <= value <= 4095:
raise ValueError("Out of range")
if invert:
value = 4095 - value
if value == 0:
self.pwm(index, 0, 4096)
elif value == 4095:
self.pwm(index, 4096, 0)
self.pwm(index, 0, value)
_DC_MOTORS = ((8, 9, 10), (13, 12, 11), (2, 3, 4), (7, 6, 5))
class DCMotors:
def __init__(self, address=0x60, freq=1600):
self.pca9685 = PCA9685(address)
def _pin(self, pin, value=None):
if value is None:
return bool(self.pca9685.pwm(pin)[0])
if value:
self.pca9685.pwm(pin, 4096, 0)
self.pca9685.pwm(pin, 0, 0)
def speed(self, index, value=None):
pwm, in2, in1 = _DC_MOTORS[index]
if value is None:
value = self.pca9685.duty(pwm)
if self._pin(in2) and not self._pin(in1):
value = -value
return value
if value > 0:
# Forward
self._pin(in2, False)
self._pin(in1, True)
elif value < 0:
# Backward
self._pin(in1, False)
self._pin(in2, True)
# Release
self._pin(in1, False)
self._pin(in2, False)
self.pca9685.duty(pwm, abs(value))
def brake(self, index):
pwm, in2, in1 = _DC_MOTORS[index]
self._pin(in1, True)
self._pin(in2, True)
self.pca9685.duty(pwm, 0)
# I tested on both addresses 41 or 64
motors = DCMotors(64)
Verify the address of the PCA9685.

The return values of ic2.scan() are 0x40 (64) and 0x70 (112)
I tested both values.
motors = DCMotors(64) or motors = DCMotors(0x40)
If I use another value I get an error.
I don't understand my anomaly !
I can't find any example of micropython code with the micro:bit or any documentation