I Can not get UART output in TEL0150 Product

I am experiencing an issue with my TEL0150 CAN-to-UART converter. I have connected the converter and am sending CAN data to it, but I am not receiving any data on the UART side.
Although the CAN data is visible on the serial debugging connector (Type-C connector), the UART output remains empty.
Could someone please help me understand why the output data is not showing up on the UART side? Any advice or troubleshooting tips would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
If you need the UART to get data, you also need to input 3.3~5V power at the + of the UART port.
The USB-C power supply does not power the chip on the UART side.

Thanks for the reply.
I already check the baud rate of device which is 115200 and same has been set to other end(Serial terminal).
We also checked twice the connection of RX TX and GND. but no luck.
Actually the data is visible on Type C serial debugging but same data is not visible on UART port.
Do you know the process how we can see the debug or CAN data on UART port?
And if you have any document or video that will be more helpful.

We'll run some tests and expect to get back to you tomorrow.
You can refer to our wiki for two examples of sending and receiving CAN data frames through the ESP32 serial port:
Normally, you can turn on the UART output by typing “O” in the serial port debugging software. However, you are already seeing CAN data frames on the USB-C, so we think you should have already entered “O” in the serial monitor.
Or can you try it again with the UART port powered at 5V and the USB-C port disconnected?
If the baud rate of the serial port has not been set, the TEL0150's UART baud rate defaults to 115200, and you will need to make sure that this is the baud rate at the other end of your serial port.
At the same time, can you make sure that RX TX GND are connected properly, the UART needs GND as the reference ground.