
Question regarding SKU TEL0150 CAN to UART USB Module

userHead James.Bond 2024-11-27 20:06:46 379 Views3 Replies

Hi all,


I would like to connect a sensor that uses UART/TTL communication to my existing CAN system. Is the SKU TEL0150 CAN to UART USB Module (see: suitable for this application? Meaning: can it also convert UART messages to CAN frames?


If so, is there any documentation available on the conversion protocol / how the UART messages are converted to CAN frames?

Is there any documentation available on how to M[mode],[acceptance_code],[acceptance_mask] configuration setting works?Am I able to configure UART Serial parameters other than the baudrate?


Thank you kindly for any help you can provide, and best regards,




2024-12-03 21:06:02

The acceptance_code and acceptance_mask define which CAN IDs the module will accept, filtering out others. For example, a mask of 0xFF accepts all IDs, while specific values filter out unmatched IDs.

userHeadPic lia.ifat
2024-11-29 13:06:43

Yes it could convert UART data frame to the CAN data frame.

The UART interface accept the AT command, you could refer to the wiki tutorial:

userHeadPic Yeez_B
James.Bond wrote:

Hi Yeez_B, thank you for your reply.

The sensor has a predefined output UART serial protocol different from the AT / tXXXYZZZZ format if that makes sense.

I.e. I'm not in full control of the UART format. Ideally the converter takes any input serial frame ABCDEF and forwards it in the data part of a CAN Message, plus an additional preconfigured CAN ID.

Let me know if that makes sense and if that's possible (and convenient with this converter)

2024-12-03 19:15:46
1 Replies