
Bluno Nano Corrupted Bootloader

userHead Angel.Garcia 2024-12-13 05:55:16 334 Views0 Replies

Hi everyone!


First of all i want to apologize if i have some spelling mistakes cause english its not my first language. Well, i have 2 bluno nanos and i tried to communicate between them in arduino IDE using ATP commands but i couldnt make it work, so i investigate and saw that i need to update the drivers (dont know if that was necessary) so i did that for both of my blunos. After that i wasnt able to even upload some simple code to my blunos, and now the leds are blinking alternatively (pair and link) and i cant use them. I suspect i might done something wrong while i was updating the drivers. Does anyone has had a similar problem before? ive tried to update the using the Bluno firmware downloader but got no luck, still unusable. It will be of great help if anyone could give me something to resolve this. Happy holidays :)