Beetle ESP32 C6 Mini - ESPHome?

userHead na 2025-01-03 20:18:07 164 Views1 Replies

Does anyone have a working config for the Beetle ESP32 C6 Mini in ESPHome? 


2025-01-09 11:02:44

I am also interested in this - though for the Firebeetle version (DFR1075) with Battery and solar panel connecting directly to the Firebeetle module, at such a low price.  


ESPHome's ESP32 Platform page does not list the C6 … but I have definitely seen it mentioned in Home Assistant/ESPHome forum ( threads - usually discussing bluetooth implementation - so I assume that the common functionality works and its just the newer features that may not be implemented fully yet.   


Anyway, do a search in the ESPHome forum.

userHeadPic don.burch