
help with bluetooth bee

userHead transmissionline 2013-01-01 08:50:18 3114 Views3 Replies
Hello there,

I really like the dfrobot bluetooth bee it works very well but I am having a problem. I connected the bluetooth bee to the fio v3 now I am trying to enter at mode but it never works. Do you know what the steps are to follow? I tried some stuff and in the serial monitor it wrote in there "ERROR: (0): do you know what this means? thank you
2013-01-04 19:04:46 Hi Transimissionline:

Thanks for pointing out. We've updated our wiki page with the latest info.

Really appreciated.


userHeadPic R2D2C3PO
2013-01-01 20:15:31 okay for anyone wondering i figured out the problem the wiki here is outdated and incorrect : [url=][/url]

you are not supposed to do AT+BAUD and change the rate you are supposed to do AT+UART=
look at the datasheet for the correct commands here
userHeadPic transmissionline
2013-01-01 09:28:56 Okay I got it working when I write AT it returns OK, but the problem is I cannot change name or baud rate those return ERROR (0) any idea of what the problem is? is there a special sketch i should upload to the arduino for this? userHeadPic transmissionline