
EcoDuino Issues Uploading

userHead SunCulture 2013-06-27 20:32:50 11634 Views19 Replies
Hi, I'm having trouble with the EcoDuino that comes with the Auto-Watering kit (kit0003).

Problem is, I can't successfully get the board to do anything with the sketches I upload to it. I can't even get Blink to work. The sketch will upload, LEDs will blink a few times in the process, and then it just sits there.

I've checked the troubleshooting guide, tried using different serial ports, changed the board(just in case it's not a Leonardo after all), done the 'hold-reset-while-uploading' trick, tried uninstalling and re-installing the drivers and arduino software, using different USB ports and cords, using different computers, and even used past versions of the software.

I'm new at this and have an assignment with this thing for an internship but everyone else here at the office is stumped too. I have googled and searched forums for everything I can think of but no dice. I haven't found any answers on forums that have worked, but a few that were over my head. Anybody have any ideas? I'm at a loss here.

The computers were 2 PCs, one 32-bit Windows 7, one 64-bit. The other was a new Mac using OS X.

Nothing is connected to the board but a power supply, it's plugged directly to the PC, not a hub, and I've tried every port on each computer.
Keep getting error message:
Found programmer: Id = "BOP"; type =
Software Version = . ; Hardware Version = .
avrdude: error: buffered memory access not supported. Maybe it isn't a butterfly/AVR109 but a AVR910 device?
2013-07-10 15:46:34 Thanks, that was really helpful!

Because the serial port doesn't reset I combined the code with blink and added that delay. Now it's alternating between blinking when the serial port isn't open and printing "Hello World" once it opens again.

Probably a little more complicated than necessary but it works. Hopefully I'll be able to use this to help upload more useful sketches.

Many thanks!
userHeadPic SunCulture
2013-07-10 15:46:34 Thanks, that was really helpful!

Because the serial port doesn't reset I combined the code with blink and added that delay. Now it's alternating between blinking when the serial port isn't open and printing "Hello World" once it opens again.

Probably a little more complicated than necessary but it works. Hopefully I'll be able to use this to help upload more useful sketches.

Many thanks!
userHeadPic SunCulture
2013-07-10 10:22:16 forgot to mention to add a little delay on the loop, not doing so will be annoying and crash your Arduino IDE..

void loop() {
    Serial.println("hello world");
userHeadPic Jose
2013-07-10 10:22:16 forgot to mention to add a little delay on the loop, not doing so will be annoying and crash your Arduino IDE..

void loop() {
    Serial.println("hello world");
userHeadPic Jose
2013-07-10 10:14:13 Howdy SunCulture,

Since you are using the Hello world on the setup just once, its quite possible that two things are happening.
1) Serial not opening properly, or not opening on time.

2)This all happens really fast, so its probably the hello world actually happened without reaching the serial port on time.

I suggest you move it to your loop(), and get rid of it at the setup(). It might be a good idea to add while (!Serial) on the setup to wait for the serial port to initialized, more info:

userHeadPic Jose
2013-07-10 10:14:13 Howdy SunCulture,

Since you are using the Hello world on the setup just once, its quite possible that two things are happening.
1) Serial not opening properly, or not opening on time.

2)This all happens really fast, so its probably the hello world actually happened without reaching the serial port on time.

I suggest you move it to your loop(), and get rid of it at the setup(). It might be a good idea to add while (!Serial) on the setup to wait for the serial port to initialized, more info:

userHeadPic Jose
2013-07-10 02:31:39 Thanks, that sounds like a great alternative to test it out!

*I waited to try it out before posting, and unfortunately I'm not having the kind of luck I was hoping for.

I used the canned-code, "Hello World":
Code: Select all
 * Hello World!
 * This is the Hello World! for Arduino. 
 * It shows how to send data to the computer

void setup()                    // run once, when the sketch starts
  Serial.begin(9600);           // set up Serial library at 9600 bps
  Serial.println("Hello world!");  // prints hello with ending line break 

void loop()                       // run over and over again
                                  // do nothing!
And then pressed reset after opening the serial monitor. I used it on COM12 each time and tried it on each different programmer, hoping that would make a difference. No dice.

Sorry, I was hoping that would work. There's no error message or anything. It just sits there whether or not I press reset and regardless of the programmer.

Do you have any more ideas? I'll try to keep at it but I'm at a loss at the moment...

Thanks for all the help!
userHeadPic SunCulture
2013-07-10 02:31:39 Thanks, that sounds like a great alternative to test it out!

*I waited to try it out before posting, and unfortunately I'm not having the kind of luck I was hoping for.

I used the canned-code, "Hello World":
Code: Select all
 * Hello World!
 * This is the Hello World! for Arduino. 
 * It shows how to send data to the computer

void setup()                    // run once, when the sketch starts
  Serial.begin(9600);           // set up Serial library at 9600 bps
  Serial.println("Hello world!");  // prints hello with ending line break 

void loop()                       // run over and over again
                                  // do nothing!
And then pressed reset after opening the serial monitor. I used it on COM12 each time and tried it on each different programmer, hoping that would make a difference. No dice.

Sorry, I was hoping that would work. There's no error message or anything. It just sits there whether or not I press reset and regardless of the programmer.

Do you have any more ideas? I'll try to keep at it but I'm at a loss at the moment...

Thanks for all the help!
userHeadPic SunCulture
2013-07-05 18:26:19 Hi SunCuluture,

Looks like COM12 succesfully uploads blink example. While the other COM reports error. Have you tried unplugging the other device on that port? Anyway the output seems to have a good upload.

I think a better test than the blinky, since it seems not to have a LED attached to that pin. Would be a Serial.print("hello world");
but you could always just plug a LED on the free pins and change the pin number on the blinky example.

userHeadPic Jose
2013-07-05 18:26:19 Hi SunCuluture,

Looks like COM12 succesfully uploads blink example. While the other COM reports error. Have you tried unplugging the other device on that port? Anyway the output seems to have a good upload.

I think a better test than the blinky, since it seems not to have a LED attached to that pin. Would be a Serial.print("hello world");
but you could always just plug a LED on the free pins and change the pin number on the blinky example.

userHeadPic Jose
2013-07-05 16:54:00 Alright, here's the verbose output. I've been trying both port 3 and port 12 so I included both.

COM3 is the one that gives the

"avrdude: error: buffered memory access not supported. Maybe it isn't a butterfly/AVR109 but a AVR910 device?"

error, but COM 12 gives no error message, so I think that's the one I should be using.

I have no idea what most of the output means but I did notice this line:

"Software Version = 1.0; No Hardware Version given."

Shortly after avrdude first shows up in COM12, which doesn't make sense because Leonardo is selected as the board.

Also, the programmer is butterfly, so I tried changing the programmer in the drop-down box, but all of the options are still butterfly. Any idea of one I could try to get past that?
userHeadPic SunCulture
2013-07-05 16:54:00 Alright, here's the verbose output. I've been trying both port 3 and port 12 so I included both.

COM3 is the one that gives the

"avrdude: error: buffered memory access not supported. Maybe it isn't a butterfly/AVR109 but a AVR910 device?"

error, but COM 12 gives no error message, so I think that's the one I should be using.

I have no idea what most of the output means but I did notice this line:

"Software Version = 1.0; No Hardware Version given."

Shortly after avrdude first shows up in COM12, which doesn't make sense because Leonardo is selected as the board.

Also, the programmer is butterfly, so I tried changing the programmer in the drop-down box, but all of the options are still butterfly. Any idea of one I could try to get past that?
userHeadPic SunCulture
2013-07-05 11:08:58 Hi,

Sure, no problem. go for it, just add the big output so we have more information. It could be helpful. best if you attach it as a file or pastebin it.

userHeadPic Jose
2013-07-05 11:08:58 Hi,

Sure, no problem. go for it, just add the big output so we have more information. It could be helpful. best if you attach it as a file or pastebin it.

userHeadPic Jose
2013-07-03 19:55:50 Hi Jose,

Thanks for answering. Sorry I didn't get back to this sooner.

I've made sure that the Leonardo is the selected board, so that's not the issue.

I've set it to debugging(verbose right?) output also, but there's a lot of output for each upload so I'm not sure what to give you unless you want a huge block of code.

I've also found that there's no LED on pin 13, which is why blink won't work. Do you have any idea which pin I could change to to try blink? It's just an easy example to test uploading with. And I've tried changing the pins and not had any luck.
userHeadPic SunCulture
2013-07-03 19:55:50 Hi Jose,

Thanks for answering. Sorry I didn't get back to this sooner.

I've made sure that the Leonardo is the selected board, so that's not the issue.

I've set it to debugging(verbose right?) output also, but there's a lot of output for each upload so I'm not sure what to give you unless you want a huge block of code.

I've also found that there's no LED on pin 13, which is why blink won't work. Do you have any idea which pin I could change to to try blink? It's just an easy example to test uploading with. And I've tried changing the pins and not had any luck.
userHeadPic SunCulture
2013-06-28 12:44:29 Hi,

I've seen this error while selecting the wrong board. Make sure you select the leonardo.

For best results, on Arduino IDE select the debugging output under preferences, and show us the error output if any.
userHeadPic Jose
2013-06-28 12:44:29 Hi,

I've seen this error while selecting the wrong board. Make sure you select the leonardo.

For best results, on Arduino IDE select the debugging output under preferences, and show us the error output if any.
userHeadPic Jose
2013-06-27 20:32:50 Hi, I'm having trouble with the EcoDuino that comes with the Auto-Watering kit (kit0003).

Problem is, I can't successfully get the board to do anything with the sketches I upload to it. I can't even get Blink to work. The sketch will upload, LEDs will blink a few times in the process, and then it just sits there.

I've checked the troubleshooting guide, tried using different serial ports, changed the board(just in case it's not a Leonardo after all), done the 'hold-reset-while-uploading' trick, tried uninstalling and re-installing the drivers and arduino software, using different USB ports and cords, using different computers, and even used past versions of the software.

I'm new at this and have an assignment with this thing for an internship but everyone else here at the office is stumped too. I have googled and searched forums for everything I can think of but no dice. I haven't found any answers on forums that have worked, but a few that were over my head. Anybody have any ideas? I'm at a loss here.

The computers were 2 PCs, one 32-bit Windows 7, one 64-bit. The other was a new Mac using OS X.

Nothing is connected to the board but a power supply, it's plugged directly to the PC, not a hub, and I've tried every port on each computer.
Keep getting error message:
Found programmer: Id = "BOP"; type =
    Software Version = . ; Hardware Version = .
avrdude: error: buffered memory access not supported. Maybe it isn't a butterfly/AVR109 but a AVR910 device?
userHeadPic SunCulture