Technology limitation or not enough learning?

userHead tanzyb4 2021-01-07 13:03:16 3246 Views3 Replies
I am trying to track an object rolling down a slope. Sometimes it can sometimes it cant track. Is this a technology limitation as the object is rolling down too fast or is it not enough learning by the algorithm? I have the "learn enable" function turned on.
2021-07-22 15:35:55 I have downloaded these pdf. This pdf has enough and made substance. As indicated by the assessment perspective, they are giving them enough data at and aiding material for the understudies. I have additionally got sufficient assistance through these pdfs. userHeadPic nohebaf760
2021-01-08 16:06:47 It may be that the object is moving too fast. Unfortunately, the camera used by HuskyLens is not a particularly expensive and precise camera, and it may not be able to capture high-speed moving objects. userHeadPic 347945801