Report from Maker Faire Bay Area Issue II: Robots

DFRobot May 26 2013 1414

 Today we want to introduce some of the robots we met at the Bay Area Maker Faire 2013. 

First, meet R2D2.

And more R2D2s.

This is BeeR2D2 made of a Heineken barrel.   


In the movie, WALL-E is designed to clean up a waste-covered Earth far in the future.

Maker Faire logo robot with glittering Eyes.

Angry bot who is always angry. 


Keepon is a small yellow robot designed to study social development by interacting with children. Keepon was developed by Hideki Kozima while at the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) in Kyoto, Japan. Keepon has four motors, a rubber skin, two cameras in its eyes, and a microphone in its nose. 

A robot named Roy? not sure what dose he do, cause we just met him.

Latte Art Robot, which can print on your coffee. 


Mathew Downing?Human-size autonomous robot.   

And some others. 

Reported by DFRobot from SFO