Habib kickstarted BB maker tour in Ouishare Fest, France

DFRobot May 06 2014 2236
 Habib, a French maker previously working in Shanghai, just kickstarted his DIT and maker tour in France yesterday. The first event took place in the Ouishare Fest in Paris, the largest camp of collaborative economy. 8 participants showed up in the Arduino workshop for Newbies sponsored by DFRobot. We are feeling proud of be part of the maker movement with fusion of DIY and DIT spirit.
Did I tell you that Habib is going on a 100 -day bicycle tour to 10 cities in France and neighboring countries to meet makers, interview them, do workshops and train them which will be 1 week before the real Tour de France on June 28th. Would like to meet Habib personally? Stay tune with us.