PROJECTS 3D PrintingRaspberry Pi

Make a Polaroid Camera Using a Raspberry Pi

DFRobot Sep 13 2016 260196

01. Model

02. Printing
I didn’t take pictures of the build process, so use you’ll have to use your imagination!

03. Use sandpaper to smooth the spray paint; 

04. Install the thermal printer;

05. Load the battery and power supply module into the printer

The power part is quite tricky. After testing, I found there was insufficient power from the battery to power the thermal printer (Such power-consuming equipment!). Now as I have already started to re-modify the power supply part, the pictures below can only serve as a reference. I will change them once the final draft is finished. 

(There are too many gross faults this time)

06. Install the Raspberry Pi 3 model B and fix it. 

07. Install the switches and solder the wires

Here I use four tactile switches, with each represents an expected effect

08. Print the front board and decorative cover

09. Install the pilot light;

10. Install the front board into the machine body

11. Connect the switches and power cords;

12. Connect the printer;

Below are some finished photos 

Below are four built-in shooting effects.