PROJECTS Raspberry Pi


DFRobot Dec 24 2017 519

List of Materials:

Raspberry Pi Ver. A (Made in the UK, bought from USA)

Raspberry Pi Wolfson audio card (http://www.ickey.cn/raspberry_parts.php?ick_sno=ICKEY00073)

Wireless network adapter: EDUP gold version (8188CUS chip, http://www.ickey.cn/raspberry_parts.php?ick_sno=ICKEY00031)

Memory card: Sandisk 8G(Dian nao cheng)

Acrylic enclosure: www.jikeworkshop.com

Software Preparation:

Volumio (a Raspberry Pie music server software)

 Key points:

1. The special version of Wolfson audio card for Volumio needs to be downloaded

2. The AP software supporting 8188CUS revision needs to be downloaded


1. Install the special Volumio mirror image. Refer to various tutorials for the mirror image installation.

Download address: Link: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1kTzakdD password: n4sc

The zone in mirror image only occupies the space of 1.5G, so you need to extend the space to the whole SD card to hold more music files. Of course, you may also directly insert USB flash disk on Raspberry Pi. However, my version A only has one USB port. Based on the principle “simple is best”, it may be used as the wireless network adaptor for AP.

SD card extension method: Because Sudo raspi-config cannot identify the special zone of volumio, SD card shall be extended under Ubuntu. Operate Sudo gparted under Ubuntu.

Then, Click the right key to select “umount” on the 1.5G zone of SD card

Click the right key on the zone behind “umount” to select resize.

Drag the zone end to SD card end

Click “Resize”

Click the “Check” to apply it

Take out SD card and place it in the Raspberry Pi, and power on to start it.

2. Configure the Raspberry Pi as wireless hotspot to make convenience for mobile phone control, so the lossless audio player can be controlled by connecting to the wireless signal with the mobile phone anywhere.

Configuration method (refer to http://blog.csdn.net/u013432637/article/details/18741113):00

Key step: I use 8188CUS, so hostapd is not supported by default. The supported version 00 needs to be replaced with.

The address 00 automatically acquired is changed into following contents:

Enable DHCP server00, comment out the following line #DHCPD_ENABLED="no", configure the wireless network adaptor, comment out the all original contents of wireless network adaptor and change to the following contents. The 00 configuration 00 is changed to following contents:

The Raspberry Pi can be used as the AP access point. Modify the contents above according to the actual conditions. Of course, you may also enable IP forwarding. Change the Raspberry Pi as Router. No more details are described hereto. Please refer to the reference link above.

3. Configure volumio. After wolfson audio card is connected to Raspberry Pi through wireless connection, log in the Pi with Putty through SSH. Then, 00

So, the audio will be outputted through the Headset port of Wolfson audio card. To use other ports for output, please set by yourself.

4. Use of volumio

Method III: For infrared control, please refer to:

Wolfson audio card has occupied all GPIO ports of Raspberry Pi, so two ports need to be manually adjusted to weld the infrared receiver module. Generally, the function of Raspberry Pi login through serial port has no use. Such two GPIO ports can be disabled and log in through serial port to carry out operation.

Method IV: Control through touch screen. The source code will be updated after being modified and improved.

6. Additional remark: How does the system automatically load the playlist and play the music randomly after the Raspberry Pi is started up?

You only need to add following contents before exit 0;

# is the name of playlist. The playlist is saved at /var/lib/mpd/playlists/ The extension name is not provided here.m3u

Method I: Directly input the IP address of Pi through WEB control, and files can be uploaded to Raspberry Pi through Samba. Input Pi's IP at the address bar under Windows to open the shared folder on the Raspberry Pi.

Method II: Theoretically, the any available DLNA player can be controlled. Please refer to:

5. Note: Connect WAC (Wolfson Audio Card) to the Aux In port of on-board CD with 3.5 mm line. Start the car audio to check the effect. You will find the effect is improved greatly compared with MP3 and CD played by CD player. Of course, limited by on-board CD and loudspeaker, Wolfson does not fully give play to its capacity. To achieve better effect, you need to modify the car audio system. Based on the moderate principle, I did not do so. Of course, you may also connect the system to the mobile portable power source and you can listen to the music through HiFi headset. As long as it is powered on, it can operate. If you use the Raspberry Pi version B, it can be used as wireless router. It can be used for many purposes. Please give play to your imagination.