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Will not compile after fresh install of MultiLCD.h

userHead SteveRandle 2014-04-29 05:37:40 9537 Views6 Replies

I get the following error when compiling example tfthello. Can any one guide me in the right direction for a fix.



Arduino: 1.5.6-r2 (Windows 8), Board: "Arduino Uno"

tfthello:13: error: 'LCD_ILI9341' does not name a type
tfthello.ino: In function 'void setup()':
tfthello:33: error: 'lcd' was not declared in this scope
tfthello.ino: In function 'void loop()':
tfthello:38: error: 'lcd' was not declared in this scope
tfthello:45: error: 'FONT_SIZE_SMALL' was not declared in this scope
tfthello:50: error: 'FONT_SIZE_MEDIUM' was not declared in this scope
tfthello:65: error: 'FONT_SIZE_LARGE' was not declared in this scope
tfthello:70: error: 'FONT_SIZE_XLARGE' was not declared in this scope
2014-05-29 00:07:17 [quote="SteveRandle"]
Hi Stanley

Have made up a program to display a number readings from the OBD Uart unit. I have found that if there is no data for a PID I have requested then the other PID's update the display very slowly.

If I only display a couple of PID's that work like RPM and Coolant Temp then the reading are instant on display.

Is there away of ignoring the ones that are not found when requesting then not found.


Just try which work and don't use the others, could also set VERBOSE and use the showECUCap() function to show you which PIDs are valid. Or if you really want to be able to use it with cars that have a different set of supported PIDs, you could implement the isValidPID(pid)-function in queryOBDData.
userHeadPic orpheus88
2014-05-28 08:46:56 Hi Stanley

Have made up a program to display a number readings from the OBD Uart unit. I have found that if there is no data for a PID I have requested then the other PID's update the display very slowly.

If I only display a couple of PID's that work like RPM and Coolant Temp then the reading are instant on display.

Is there away of ignoring the ones that are not found when requesting then not found.


userHeadPic SteveRandle
2014-05-27 03:39:02 [quote="stanleyhuang"]
orpheus88, do you use github? Can you send a pull request on github for your modification of the code?
Not really used to github, doesn't really work well with my systems.
You mine like so commited the change to my fork.
userHeadPic orpheus88
2014-05-22 00:26:12 [quote="stanleyhuang"]
I am adding draw functions by integrating adafruit-gfx library. It will be in github soon.

You might want to take a look at the class LCD_ILI9341 : clearLine() as well, because the existing one doesn't work, arguments for fill-function are wrong / wrong order.
Thats mine, also added option to clear multiple lines for bigger fonts and to start not at the front of the line:
[code]void clearLine(byte line, int lc=1, int start=0)
      // fill(0, line * TFT_LINE_HEIGHT, 320, 8);
        fill(start, 320, line*TFT_LINE_HEIGHT, (line+lc)*TFT_LINE_HEIGHT-1); 
userHeadPic orpheus88
2014-05-15 13:18:17 Hi Stanley,

After starting again putting the correct libraries and examples in to correct directories I now have the display working OK. Display is really clear and better than the 2.8 I had sometime ago.

Many Thanks.


ok Now I have it working have you a list of commands for drawing lines and circles etc.
userHeadPic SteveRandle
2014-05-02 14:26:13 First time I copied all files into library folder. but not work.

second time I deleted the above and then used the import command but still get same error.
userHeadPic SteveRandle