
DFPlayer Mini Serial Commands

userHead Account cancelled 2015-02-08 16:28:04 20364 Views6 Replies

i have a DFPlayer Mini with a Atmega8 and serial.
i send some commands with serial and it works but i have some problems with calculating the checksum.
Could everyone tell me how i calculate the checksum?
I have the Datasheet from the DFPlayer mini but if i calculate the checksum i get an other checksum.

i can play the title with the name 003 with this code and it works but i dont know how i calculate the cheksum
Code: Select all
Header1 = &H7E
Header2 = &HFF
Length = &H06
Modus = &H03
Command1 = &H00
Command2 = &H00
Command3 = &H03
Command4 = &HEF
Command5 = &HE3
Check = &HEF
Printbin Header1 ; Header2 ; Length ; Modus ; Command1 ; Command2 ; Command3 ;Command4 ; Command5 ; Check

the question no 2:
how can i change the folder, i send this and would like to play the folder no 03
i think the cheksume is incorrect?
Code: Select all
Header1 = &H7E
Header2 = &HFF
Length = &H06
Modus = &H0F
Command1 = &H00
Command2 = &H00
Command3 = &H03
Command4 = &HEF
Command5 = &HD7
Check = &HEF
Printbin Header1 ; Header2 ; Length ; Modus ; Command1 ; Command2 ; Command3 ;Command4 ; Command5 ; Check
Please help :'(
2019-05-30 01:54:26 Hi.
I'm doing a project for my high school students with Arduino and Dfplayer. I am a music teacher and my programming levels are practically nil (also my level of English language) :o . I have managed to reproduce sounds with a keypad and the best skecht, the one that works best for me and adapts to my characteristics, uses the hexadecimal programming system (which I do not understand at all). To locate the track I use "execute_CMD (0x03,0,01);" but I'd like to have 2 folders and I do not know what command to use ... I've tried this with "execute_CMD (0x3F, 01.02);" but it continues executing only sounds of the first folder ...
Please help!
Thank you.
userHeadPic caronteaguarda
2016-03-24 02:34:58 Hi Frank.jend,

Here is one shared by one of our user on Forum. [url=Shared by one of our user on Forum. DFplayer Serial Command]DFplayer Serial Command[/url]
userHeadPic Leff
2016-03-22 09:52:32 Hello,

i try the dfplayer mini on my atmega32, but it does not works...
Have anyone a excample code vor Atmega? Not for Aduino...
I use C Code.
Please help
Frank :roll:
userHeadPic Frank.jend
2015-03-15 05:34:20 hi :)
if you have problem with checksum, you can dont use it on your program.
in dfplayer you can use data without checksum
download dfplayer datasheet from this link and see page 11 and 12 ... et.pdf.htm
or ... ach=107529

in that datasheet sayed how to play from folders

for calcute the checksum see lower lines
if your datas are this:

Header1 = &H7E
Header2 = &HFF
Length = &H06
Modus = &H0E
Command1 = &H00
Command2 = &H00
Command3 = &H00
Command4 = &HFE
Command5 = &HED
Check = &HEF

for checksum shoud do this way:
and then checksum=0-checksum

for this example:
checksum=FF+06+0E+00+00+00=113(in hex)
checksum=0-checksum=0-113(113 is hex data)=FFFFFFFEED

then 4 end words is your checksum

the final cod is:
Printbin &H7E ; &HFF ; &H06 ; &H0E ; &H00 ; &H00 ; &H00 ; &HFE ; &HED ; &HEF// puse od for df player

for calcute checksum in bascom you can use this cod
dim a as word
A = 0
A = A + &H06
A = A + &H0E
A = A + &HFF
A = 0 - a
2015-02-10 05:41:53 Hello Goose,

There is an Arduino library about DFPlayer mini, it doesn't need to calculate the checksum by yourself.
Have you tried it? ...
userHeadPic Grey.CC