
URM07 Ultrasonic Sensor with Arduino Leonardo

userHead winnner9101 2021-01-28 16:37:05 975 Views4 Replies
I am brand new to using an Arduino and ultrasonic sensors. I have two URM07 sensors and an Arduino Leonardo. Using the sample code from the product wiki I was able to get a single sensor to display data on its own. For my project I am trying to use the pair of sensors as an emitter and receiver. Basically one sends the ultrasonic wave and the other receives it. Is this possible using these two sensors? When using the sample code for a cascade of sensors from the wiki I don't get a distance measurement for either sensor.

Any help would be appreciated and sorry if this was answered already.
2021-01-30 00:31:53 thank you for the suggestion. it does look like it can meet my needs for having a separate burst and reception. Looking at the sample code that I am not sure how to wire both of the sensors or how to call each sensor. Would you reference them as 0x70 and 0x71? Or can you only use the UART mode with multiple sensors? userHeadPic winnner9101
2021-01-29 23:18:40 I think you can learn about SEN0005, this product may meet your needs userHeadPic 347945801
2021-01-28 22:36:31 Similar to this image ... -angle.png

I would like to have a receiver on the right hand side.
userHeadPic winnner9101
2021-01-28 22:16:15 Do you know of a sensor that I could use that would be able to have the transmitter and receiver in different locations? Similar to how the HC-SR04 has two sensors next to each other. I am planning on setting the transmitter and receiver at a fixed length and bouncing the ultrasonic wave from the transmitter to the receiver placed roughly 20cm or more away. Is there any ultrasonic sensor that would allow for that? userHeadPic winnner9101