Beetle ESP32-C3 - flash and use Micropython

I think I successfully flashed Micropython onto my Beetle, but I cannot get any code onto the device now.
On my Windows 11 PC, when I connect the device via USB cable, I can see a COM4 is “added” to my sytem, but if I try to use Mu Editor, it says there is no device connected to my PC. Other Micropython devices I've used in the past allows you to drop python files directly onto the device like a USB Flash drive, but I cannot seem to write a python file to these devices?
Any help is appreciated.
A [url=]useful reference[/url] for flashing Micropython onto the Beetle ESP32-C3 is ensuring proper drivers are installed for Windows 11. COM4 showing up is a good sign, but Mu Editor not recognizing the device suggests connection issues. Check if the board supports drag-and-drop for Python files like other devices.

Is there a way to restore the boards to “factory” setting without flashing? When I try to use to remove flash, the first part of the script receives something from the board, since it shows that it detects it as an esp32-c3, but then when it starts with the erase part it errors out saying it did not receive anything via serial.
I've tried using esptools, Arduino IDE and also Platform-io and ESP-IDF to try anmd “restore” the units, but they all refuse to erase/reflash the unit