SEN0465 (O2 sensor) Power Consumption

userHead DavidMoure 2023-09-29 03:37:41 797 Views2 Replies

Recently, I purchased two of these sensors (SEN0465 O2 sensor). However, one of them arrived with a measurement error, but I'll address that in another post.


I bought these sensors because I'm developing an IoT application. The specification for this sensor indicates 'Working Current < 5mA.' However, upon measuring, I found it consumes 15mA @ 3.3V. This exceeds the expected low power consumption. Is there an error in the sensor's specification?


Thank you very much



2023-10-02 09:07:47

Does the sensor output a proper reading of oxygen concentration? 

userHeadPic lia.ifat
DavidMoure wrote:

Yes, it works well

2023-10-03 10:38:20
1 Replies