How to choose ph sensor between pro and non-pro

userHead Harold.chaeso 2024-01-12 18:05:23 415 Views2 Replies

There are two types of pH sensors, and the pro model seems much more expensive. I plan to use it in a fish tank, so under these conditions, approximately how much longer is the lifespan of the pro model?

2024-01-15 18:43:52

The difference in pH probe life between the pro and non-pro versions is not significant, with a minimum probe life of 6 months. However, if you are measuring in clear water, the probe life tends to be much longer than that.

And for EC sensors, we don't have a distinction between pro and non-pro. We only have high range and normal range.


DFR0300 (normal range): 

      10~20000us/cm Low range, Normal concentration , e.g. tap water.


DFR0300-H (high range): 

      10-100mS/cm High range,  High concentration, e.g. seawater.

userHeadPic Yeez_B
2024-01-15 18:15:09

Also EC sensor.

userHeadPic Harold.chaeso