Trouble Husky Lens V1 and Maqueen Plus V2

I have some troubles with a maqueen plus V2 robot and a husky lens V1 camera !
When I use 2 algorithms (April Tags and Face Recognition) and the line tracking sensors in my program, the husky lens camera reboots again and again.
When I only use the April Tag algorithm and the line tracking sensors, everything works fine ;o)
With maqueen plus V1, everything works fine even when I use 2 algorithms …
Any idea about a way to fix this issue with Maqueen Plus V2 ?
Thanks in advance for your proposals ;o)
2024-03-12 01:23:36
It looks like the HuskyLens is underpowered.
You can power the HuskyLens with USB or the 5V row of pins on the back side of the Maqueen.
3.3V will power the HuskyLens but it may require too much current.