Is there a command for device restart by software?

I use gpio-simulate-I2C interface to comnunicate with HUSKYLENS by the protocol document.
It's OK to get all the information (x,y,w,h) of blocks at beginning.
but a few minutes later, i get the HEADER 0xFFFF instead of 0xAA55.
Otherwise, I still can send command to control the device(eq. change algorithm by COMMAND_REQUEST_ALGORITHM)
Only when I restart the device or I change the interface setting(auto-detection/ I2C), the communication works normally.
So, I want to know if there any method to restart the device by software command?
Or a software command to switch the interface setting?
Then I can initialize the device if the device works abnormally.
Thanks a lot !
I believe that currently there is no restart command for the HUSKYLENS. To restart the device, you can add a relay which can cut off the power supply of the HUSKLENS.