Gravity: I2C 16x2 Arduino LCD with RGB Backlight Display V1.1

Hi, what chip exactly is build in as backlight in version 1.1, the one with address 0x6b?
I tried to transfer the code from the GitHub example, because I am not using Arduino, but some other MPU.
However, the backlight color setting is not working it seems, it is always blue.
I want to look things up in the datasheet.
I had the same problem trying to enable the backlight. It appears that the LCD1602 v1.1 is using an IS31FL3193 as the driver, not the PCA9633DP2 shown in the LCD datasheet.

Hi, did you get response already? I received a version 2.0 and had similar issues. If you look into the library for micropython, you'll see that the colours are also connected on different channels, depending on the version you are using. That could be the reason why you always get blue. Just let me know if you don't find the answer.

Hi, I think I actually have another product, looks like I have this:
This seems like it uses the same example code library, it has code for the case (rgbAddr == 0x6b)
I would still find it usefull to know which PCA chip is exactly used, so I can make the code shorter. Also some of the init commands that it has do not give me a I2C acknowledge reply.
Thx, any help is appreciated.

I think the product is not open source.. I can't find any PCB layout.

Thx, that's why I'm asking dfrobot here for support ;)
I think I actually got another product… see below