[Geiger Counter Module] How can I convert interrupt counts to nSv/h or µSv/h?

userHead Tonny12138 2024-12-23 09:21:04 1853 Views1 Replies

How to convert from interrupt count to nSv/h or uSv/h?

2024-12-23 09:22:42

We provide the convert process in our Github repo:



The default is high level. When the Geiger tube generates a signal, it outputs a pull-down pulse with a pulse width of about 300μs.

CPM is the pulse count per minute. In fact, it does not need to be counted for one full minute. For example, if there are 10 pulses in 20 seconds, then 10*(20/60)=30CPM


Finally, the radiation value is calculated using the calculated CPM (Count per minute)



If you have other questions, just feel free to post them in our forum for consultation. We will reply them as soon as possible and improve the product FAQ gradually.

userHeadPic Tonny12138