code not uploading to the beetle esp32 c6

I am making a pong game using a Beetle ESP32 c6 a Fermion 1.8-inch screen and two Gravity 300-degree pots. Still, when I try to upload the code it just gives me one of these two options first it gives me exit status 1 or an exit status 2 all I am doing before I am uploading is holding the boot button and then pressing reset. I am not sure why this is happening if it is possible could anyone help me, please? I have uploaded a video on what it is doing because it is easier to understand what I am doing with it.
Open the device manager (Windows) or use ls /dev/tty* (Linux/macOS) to verify that your Beetle ESP32-C6 is recognized and assigned a COM/serial port.

I tryed that and it is recognised it in the COM port but the code is not uploading but i did manage to upload 2 pieces of code pot tester code that upload but even the code says so no values came up in the serial monitor and the other bit of code that i manage to get on there is the blink code frrom the dfrobot wiki but the led didnt do anything thank you for help me out