Please connect the development board !!!

userHead Matha.Goram 2025-01-23 09:30:14 1365 Views2 Replies

The following Python code snippet on UNIHIKER (Linux-4.4.143-67-rockchip-g01bbbc5d1312-aarch64-with-glibc2.28):


from pinpong.board import Board, Pin



generates the message:

Please connect the development board !!!


I requested assistance nearly a month ago. I don't have the requisite skills to troubleshoot this message. I cannot find any documentation at the DF Robot sites that can assist me.


What is the recommended next step for me (from DF Robot) to use the pinpong (v0.6.1) package? 





I am able to use other popular Python packages that does not entail using pinpong.


Probably, posting at the wrong time since the Year of the Snake is upon us.

2025-01-23 10:03:01

Further to my post above, if I pass the parameter “unihiker” for Board method as:



I get the following message:

The selected development board is UNIHIKER

The development board found is None

The development board does not match !!!


Why can't pinpong initialization constructor determine that the board is indeed UNIHIKER? Of course, I'm simply guessing in the dark.

userHeadPic Matha.Goram
Lupin wrote:

Hi Matha,

I'm not 100% sure if this will help you! I installed a new Python version (3.12.8) on Unihiker and after required modules/libraries (like pinpong, unihiker) and faced a similar issue. What helped me to solve was a look into “/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/pinpong/extension/” there the path to “” was wrong (hard-coded). So for 3.7.x it worked and for 3.12.x not.

What I did to solve my problem: I simply changed the path (in of version 3.12) to correct value: “/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/pinpong/base/gd32/”.

Let me know about your results.  

2025-01-26 17:42:18
1 Replies