MIDI Shield (Arduino Compatibie)(Discontinued)

SKU: DFR0157


This product has been retired from our catalog and is no longer for sale. This page is made available for those looking for specification and documents.


MIDI Shield is discontinued. We recommend Arduino Shields as replacement where you might find other products interested.

The MIDI Shield board gives your Arduino access to the powerful MIDI communication protocol, so you can control synthesizers, sequencers, and other musical devices. The MIDI protocol shares many similarities with standard asynchronous serial interfaces, so you can use the UART pins of your Arduino to send and receive MIDI's event messages.

The MIDI Shield provides an opto-isolated MIDI-IN port as well as a MIDI-OUT port. The MIDI Shield can be mounted directly on top of an Arduino, connecting the MIDI-IN to the Arduino's hardware RX pin and the MIDI-OUT to TX. Potentiometers are connected to analog pins 0 and 1, and can be used to control volume, pitch, tone or anything else you'd like. Also connected on the shield are three momentary push buttons (connected to D2-4), a reset button, and green and red stat LEDs. The RUN/PROG switch allows you to program the Arduino over serial without having to remove the shield.


  • pin usage: 3 digital pins(D2-4) and 2 analog pins(A0-1)
  • Interface: TTL(TX/RX)
  • Size:2.33x 2.10x 1.18"(60x 53.5x 30mm)

Shipping List

  • MIDI Shield(1 unit)