PROJECTS IoTArduinoGravity

Smart Health Care Monitoring System Based on IoT

DFRobot Aug 08 2019 2434

This project includes hardware which will measure blood pressure, heart rate, ECG & temperature, and send to Android application & Firebase.

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino UNO & Genuino UNO ×1

HC-05 Bluetooth Module ×1 
SparkFun Single Lead Heart Rate Monitor - AD8232 ×1 
DFRobot Gravity: Analog LM35 Temperature Sensor For Arduino ×1 
ProtoCentral Pulse Oximeter & Heart Rate Sensor based on MAX30100 ×1 
Breadboard (generic) ×1 
Sunrom Blood Preasure Module ×1 
On Semiconductor EU-SIGFOX-GEVB ×1

Software apps and online services

Android Studio

Arduino IDE

Google Firebase

Hand tools and fabrication machines

10 Pc. Jumper Wire Kit, 5 cm Long




This project is significant in various ways because in today's world, everyday many lives are affected because the patients are not timely and properly operated. Also for real time parameter values are not efficiently measured in clinic as well as in hospitals.Sometimes it becomes difficult for hospitals to frequently check patient’s conditions. Also continuous monitoring of ICU patients is very difficult. To deal with these types of situations, our system is beneficial. Our system is designed to be used in hospitals and homes also for measuring and monitoring various parameters like temperature, ECG, heart rate, blood pressure. The results can be recorded using Arduino. Also the doctors can see those results on android app. The system will also generate an alert notification which will be sent to doctor. Our system is useful for monitoring health system of every person through easily attach the device and record it. In which we can analysis patient’s condition through their past data, we will recommend medicines if any emergency occurred through symbolic A.I.


Work Flow:

First of all we have to make Communication between Arduino and android app using Bluetooth. for the android code for this communication kindly follow the link below

now after establishing the communication successfully start creating android app using android studio and use the code from above link after this send some data to arduino in our scenario we have 4 module so we have 16 combination like patient want only temperature data or ecg, Blood pressure or temperature and ecg etc. so for these 16 combination we use hexa table which stars from 0 and ends at 'F' so after reading the incoming value arduino decide which type of data user wants. After that arduino start reading that data from sensors and transfer that data to arduino using HC05 and android receive that data and send to firebase which is real time database below is the structure of firebase database


this is the complete architecture of our project.

Circuit Picture:

I hope you enjoy this project



Block Diagram



Arduino Code (Arduino)



#define USE_ARDUINO_INTERRUPTS true #include <PulseSensorPlayground.h> #include <SoftwareSerial.h> SoftwareSerial mySerial(10, 11); // RX, TX const int PulseWire = 0; int tempPin = 1; int ECGPin = 2; String incomingByte; int value; int myBPM =0; int finalBPM ; float volts=0.0; float cel =0; String stringTemp; String stringBPM; bool is_data_send=false; bool ISBP=false; bool ISECG=false; bool ISHR=false; bool IStemp=false; const int LED13 = 13; int Threshold = 550; String data=""; PulseSensorPlayground pulseSensor; void setup() { Serial.begin(38400); Serial.println("Enter AT commands:"); mySerial.begin(38400); pulseSensor.analogInput(PulseWire); pulseSensor.blinkOnPulse(LED13); pulseSensor.setThreshold(Threshold); if (pulseSensor.begin()) { Serial.println("We created a pulseSensor Object !"); } } void loop() { if (mySerial.available()) { incomingByte =; Serial.println(incomingByte); if(incomingByte=="49") {ISECG=false;ISBP=false;ISHR=false;IStemp=true;is_data_send=true;} else if(incomingByte=="50") {ISECG=false;ISBP=false;ISHR=true;IStemp=false;is_data_send=true;} else if(incomingByte=="51") {ISECG=false;ISBP=false;ISHR=true;IStemp=true;is_data_send=true;} else if(incomingByte=="52") {ISECG=false;ISBP=true;ISHR=false;IStemp=false;is_data_send=true;} else if(incomingByte=="53") {ISECG=false;ISBP=true;ISHR=false;IStemp=true;is_data_send=true;} else if(incomingByte=="54") {ISECG=false;ISBP=true;ISHR=true;IStemp=false;is_data_send=true;} else if(incomingByte=="55") {ISECG=false;ISBP=true;ISHR=true;IStemp=true;is_data_send=true;} else if(incomingByte=="56") {ISECG=true;ISBP=false;ISHR=false;IStemp=false;is_data_send=true;} else if(incomingByte=="57") {ISECG=true;ISBP=false;ISHR=false;IStemp=true;is_data_send=true;} else if(incomingByte=="65") {ISECG=true;ISBP=false;ISHR=true;IStemp=false;is_data_send=true;} else if(incomingByte=="66") {ISECG=true;ISBP=false;ISHR=true;IStemp=true;is_data_send=true;} else if(incomingByte=="67") {ISECG=true;ISBP=true;ISHR=false;IStemp=false;is_data_send=true;} else if(incomingByte=="68") {ISECG=true;ISBP=true;ISHR=false;IStemp=true;is_data_send=true;} else if(incomingByte=="69") {ISECG=true;ISBP=true;ISHR=true;IStemp=false;is_data_send=true;} else if(incomingByte=="70") {ISECG=true;ISBP=true;ISHR=true;IStemp=true;is_data_send=true;} } //Getting Values from Sensors if(is_data_send) { int counter=0; if(IStemp||ISHR){ while(counter<10){ if(IStemp){ value=analogRead(tempPin); volts=(value/1024.0)*5.0; //conversion to volts cel = cel+(volts*100.0); } if(ISHR){ if (pulseSensor.sawStartOfBeat()) { myBPM = myBPM+pulseSensor.getBeatsPerMinute(); } } counter=counter+1; }} if(ISBP){ } int counter2=0; if(ISECG){ while(counter2<500){ if((digitalRead(2)==1)||(digitalRead(3)==1)){} else{ String abc=String(analogRead(ECGPin)); Serial.println(abc); data+=abc+"|"; } counter2=counter2+1; } } } //Sending Data if(is_data_send){ if(ISBP){ } if(ISHR){ float final_bpm=myBPM/10; stringBPM = String(final_bpm); data+=stringBPM+"|"; } if(IStemp){ float final_temp=cel/10; stringTemp = String(final_temp); data+=stringTemp+"|"; } Serial.print("Data sending"); Serial.print(data); //Serial.print(stringTemp+"|"+stringBPM); mySerial.print(data); mySerial.println(); is_data_send=false; } delay(20); // considered best practice in a simple sketch. }

This article copied from, Author: Abdullah Mukhtar, Muneeb Abdul Rauf