PROJECTS RoboticsArduinoEnglish

How To Make DIY Arduino Traffic Sign Recognition Robot

DFRobot Jan 03 2020 2127

Project Maker: DIY Builder

Hello guys, in this tutorial I am going to show you how to make an Arduino traffic sign recognition Robot. So let's get started :)

Parts List :

1) Tracked Robot Chassis - https://www.dfrobot.com/product-1860.html

2) Mu Vision Sensor - https://www.dfrobot.com/product-1905.html

3) Arduino Uno - https://bit.ly/2Fz8M4q

4) Motor Driver Shield - https://bit.ly/2VWaYsn

5) 18650 Li-ion Battery - (From PowerBank )


Circuit Diagram: Coming Soon

Code: https://bit.ly/35c1EnQ