This tutorial will be introducing the Color Sensor for Color Blindness (targeting red-green blindness). The main function of the project is TCS3200 Arduino Color Sensor; however, we advanced it into a new level that could help color blindness in their daily life. Because they are not able to recognize red and green, so this project is designed to determine the color by sensing the color for them, presenting it on the LCD monitor, and playing a short but identical rhythm for them to identify the color.
To make the process more interesting, this tutorial will also be showing you how I make the self-decorated box that may give you some idea for decoration!!
Hope you enjoy it!
Installation for Arduino Color Sensor, speaker and LCD Screen monitor. I combined these three items to help people with red-green color blindness to identify colors they can’t recognize. Moreover, to make the project more interesting, I include sound effect and screen.
Arduino LCD screen x1
Arduino color sensor TSC3200 x1
Arduino Speaker x1
Wires - Male connector x16 / Female connector x25
Breadboard x1
Resistance (for LCD Screen) w/ 4 color (red+red+purple+purple)
Color Paper (Green and Red)
Prepare all the items you need and follow the image down below to connect all of them.
Follow the image provided above to connect all the outputs to function!
** There may be a tiny difference between the model's outputs with yours, therefore, the connection may vary. Make sure to check before start connection.
1. Find a shoe box (SOFTER shoe boxes are more favorable because they are easier to cut and draw on)
2. Prepare a cutter knife/box cutter
3. Prepare any kinds of decorations you would want to put on the box, for example, the tutorial demonstrates the use of watercolor.
Therefore if you wish to follow the tutorial, prepare watercolor pigments and painting brushes.
This is an OPTIONAL step that you can choose to either follow or skip, but decorating your hardware would make this project more personal and special. The video below is a tutorial video to demonstrate how I design and decorate with my box.
You can also choose to follow the steps below:
1. Cut the upper layer of the box by measuring the exact size to fit LCD Screen monitor, Speaker, and Color Sensor; in other words, these three items will be showing and identifiable to the users after finishing, therefore do not hide them inside the box
2. Start decorating! In case you are following the tutorial, points below provide you with some tips for painting watercolor on the box.
1. Don’t use too much water (the box would turn mushy); Don’t use too much pigment (the box would be too heavy and thus easily break).
2. For time management, prepare dryer to dry your paint faster.
3. Have an idea before start painting.
4. Have fun!
5. Combine your Arduino with the box. Be careful to no damage either one when combining. Make any modification if needed.
Step 6: CODE
1. Download Arduino Leonardo (or UNO) 2. Set up a frequency-scaling (varies in a different environment, must check before transferring the code to your output).
After defining all the pins to which the sensor is connected, define a variable for reading the frequency for both green and red.
Run the Serial Monitor, you will start getting some values which represent each color under your environment. (view the 2nd photo) (p.s. the variable for green will be larger than red)
Record down the code for later coding. (view 3rd and 4th photo to make modify at the highlighted part). For example, the variables for red and green is 50 and 110, therefore the when the variable shows below 50, then it will reflect as RED on the monitor; when the color sensor sense 110, then it will recognize as GREEN and show it on the monitor.
3. Copy the code and modify it by entering the early recorded values for both colors red and green. Code Link-
This article introduces the Mind+(Mindplus) editor, which seamlessly combines block-based and text coding in its interface, facilitating an easier transition.