Control of two robotic platforms using multi-agent systems

DFRobot Jan 04 2013 718
Author: Jaime Andres Rincon Arango

Hello everyone, this is my X-Project Control of two robotic platforms using multi-agent systems”.

This project aims to address the issue of how to link two programming platforms withmulti-agent systems, using JADE and JASON through wireless communication as away of connection between the MAS and the robots. The hardware will be integratedan Arduino development kit to interface the motor control and the acquisition of datacaptured by the sensors. Future is intended to create a more complex Agent-Robot,establishing in each specific roles and features.

General Purpose
  • Simulate with JADE a blind robot, which has no knowledge of the world only of hisposition, and a guide robot with sensors that can capture the world. Using FIPA-ACLmessages the guide robot will sent to blind robot the obstacle position.
Specific Goals
  • To design and build robotic platforms using commercial robot kits.
  • Building the agents using JADE and JASON.
  • Create different behaviors in agents.
  • Implement communication between agents using FIPA-ACL

I describe in detail in the following pdf and attached some pictures and a video showing what the robot does.


Jaime Andres Rinco A.

Control of two robotic platforms using multi-agent systems

Control of two robotic platforms using multi-agent systems

One Platform 4WD
One Pirate-4WD Mobile Platform
Oner Arduino Uno
Oner Arduino Mega2560 Rev3
Oner Adjustable Infrared Sensor Switch
One 50 Channel GS407 Helical GPS Receiver
One 50A Current Sensor(AC/DC)

Four DC-DC Convert

One Optical Mouse PS2
One Bluetooth Bee
Two XBee 2mW PCB Antenna - Series 2 (ZigBee Mesh)
One Xbee USB adapter
Three Sharp GP2Y0A02YK IR ranger sensor (20-150cm)
One CMPS10 - Tilt Compensated Magnetic Compass