2013 Year in Review

DFRobot Jan 07 2014 2682

2013 was a certainly a year to remember for DFRobot. We launched one code-free programming software, kicked-off numerous products catering to popular areas of interests, helped new hacker-spaces and maker-spaces running, expanded our presence around the globe both online and offline, and prepared ourselves ready plunging deeper into the wave of maker movement. Then, we watched the community of friends and users take what we gave them and create more than we ever imagined back for the community.

We'd like to thank everyone who helped make 2013 what it was. Here's a look back at some of the events, shows, milestones, and announcements of the year.

Over the next couple of days, our team will be publishing a series of "Year in Review" blog post series where we'll share some moments and thoughts about "maker movement" and "makers". In this series, we'd like to share some of the "moments of the year", including:
  • DFRobot's Public Highlights of 2013
  • Top 10 Most Viewed Blog Posts of 2013
  • Award-winning Products/Tuts of 2013
A Look Ahead at 2014

As great as 2013 was, 2014 is shaping up to be even better. We're aiming to make the entire new year a continuous flamboyance with many more amazing products, gadgets and custom contents to come, stay tuned with us!  And lastly we'd like to wish you and your family a Happy Holidays. We hope you enjoy reflecting back on 2013 with us, and we're excited about what lays ahead.