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IR Home Automation based on DFRobot's Relay Shield

DFRobot Sep 18 2017 1349



Everyone wants a remote to control all the appliances in your home. Some companies are introducing wireless controllers for various appliances but they are costly and you have to upgrade the existing for additional cost. So, what about making your own home automation system to control up to 4 appliances.
IR Home Automation based on DFRobot's Relay Shield


Hardware componens:




4 Channel Relay Shield

  • Compatible with Arduino UNO Rev3
  • 4 buttons to test module
  • LED status indicator of relay
  • Support Xbee IO directly control
  • Xbee socket for wireless communication
  • Selectable digital IO pin for control (Default digital 2,7,8,10)
  • 6 channels Analog IO & 13 channels Digital IO
  • Up to 4 Relay with photo-coupled circuit
  • Contact Rating: 3A AC 120V / DC 24V
  • Max Switching Voltage: AC 240V / DC 60V (Less than 38V is recommended)
  • Max Switching Current: 5A
  • Max Switching Power: AC 360VA / DC 90W
  • Electrical Life (Min): 100,000 Operations
  • Mechanical Life (Min): 10,000,000 Operations
  • Safety Standard (relay) UL cUL TUV CQC
  • Coil Working Voltage 9VDC
  • Working temperature -30℃ to +85℃
  • Working Humidity 40% - 85%
  • Size: 95x65mm

4 Channel Relay Shield

IR Kit for Arduino
IR Kit for Arduino



High Voltage VS Low Voltage

We all know that the appliances work on 110 V (USA) and 220 V (Asia) depending upon the region. But, the Arduino we are using is working on just 5 V. If we connect it directly to the mains supply to control the appliances just like controlling the LEDs, the board or the microcontroller will get burned. So, we use 5 V relay which works as an interface between the two voltage supplies. A signal is sent to relay by Arduino and relay switches on the circuit of the appliance.


Wireless Transmission of Data

We know that how will we switch the supply on but we need to send the signal from an IR remote to the receiver with Arduino. So, we can use any generic IR remote controller available in market. But, every remote controller comes with different codes for their buttons which they send it through IR LED. So, we need to find those codes for a random IR remote controller we are using.
For that, please click here for another project of mine on Hackster.io.


Hook-up the Circuit: IR receiver and relay connections

1.Just stack the relay shield on the Arduino board. On the shield, there are male headers for digital I/O pins. 
2.Connect the connector cable for IR module in the PIN 11 of the board. 
3.Keep in mind the colors on the wires matching with each other.


Testing it up!

Remember to install the IRremote.h library in the Arduino IDE. Download the ZIP File.

1. Upload the code attached in the end of project.
2. Wait for the system to initialize.
3. press the POWER button to switch ON/OFF all the appliances.
4. Press each corresponding button (like 1 for fan, 2 for light and so on) to switch ON/OFF them.

Testing up this project
Testing up this project


Schematics for the project

Schematics for the project


Relay connections to the appliance

Relay connections to the appliance



/*************************************************************************************   Pin            Pin State:HIGH                      Pin State:LOW   Digital 2      NC1 is disconnected with COM1       NC1 is connected with COM1                  NO1 is connected with COM1          NO1 is disconnected with COM1   Digital 7      NC2 is disconnected with COM2       NC2 is connected with COM2                  NO2 is connected with COM2          NO2 is disconnected with COM2   Digital 8      NC3 is disconnected with COM3       NC3 is connected with COM3                  NO3 is connected with COM3          NO3 is disconnected with COM3   Digital 10     NC4 is disconnected with COM4       NC4 is connected with COM4                  NO4 is connected with COM4          NO4 is disconnected with COM4   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------                   IR Remote Codes :     POWER :          16580863   VOL+ :           16613503   FUNC/STOP :      16597183   PLAY BACKWARDS : 16589023   PAUSE/STOP :     16621663   PLAY FORWARD :   16605343   ARROW DOWN :     16584943   VOL- :           16617583   ARROW UP :       16601263   0 :              16593103   EQ :             16625743   ST/REPT :        16609423   1 :              16582903   2 :              16615543   3 :              16599223   4 :              16591063   5 :              16623703   6 :              16607383   7 :              16586983   8 :              16619623   9 :              16603303   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Download the IRremote library : http://image.dfrobot.com/image/data/DFR0107/IRremote.zip   Made by Techduino (2017) */ #include<IRremote.h>      //including infrared remote header file #define power 16580863            //code for power button #define button_1 16582903         //code for button 1 #define button_2 16615543         //code for button 2 #define button_3 16599223         //code for button 3 #define button_4 16591063         //code for button 4 int RECV_PIN = 11;        //IR reciever pin IRrecv irrecv(RECV_PIN); decode_results results; unsigned int value; int relay1 = 2; int relay2 = 7; int relay3 = 8; int relay4 = 10; unsigned int relay_state[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; void setup()  {  Serial.begin(9600);  pinMode(relay1, OUTPUT);  pinMode(relay2, OUTPUT);  pinMode(relay3, OUTPUT);  pinMode(relay4, OUTPUT);  irrecv.enableIRIn();    //Start the IR reciever } void loop() {    if (irrecv.decode(&results))  {    Serial.println("code recieved");    value = results.value;    switch(value) {      case power:   if (relay_state[1] == 1 && relay_state[2] == 1 &&                    relay_state[3] == 1 && relay_state[4] == 1)  {                                    digitalWrite(relay1, LOW);                // turn it off when button is pressed                    relay_state[1] = 0;                       // and set its state as off                    digitalWrite(relay2, LOW);                    relay_state[2] = 0;                                        digitalWrite(relay3, LOW);                    relay_state[3] = 0;                                        digitalWrite(relay4, LOW);                    relay_state[4] = 0;                    }                                        if (relay_state[1] == 0 && relay_state[2] == 0 &&                       relay_state[3] == 0 && relay_state[4] == 0) {                       digitalWrite(relay1, HIGH);               // turn it on when the button is pressed                       relay_state[1] = 1;                       // and set its state as ON                               digitalWrite(relay2, HIGH);                         relay_state[2] = 1;                                             digitalWrite(relay3, HIGH);                         relay_state[3] = 1;                                             digitalWrite(relay4, HIGH);                         relay_state[4] = 1;                    }                    break;      case button_1:  if (relay_state[1] == 1)  {                 // if first app is ON then                      digitalWrite(relay1, LOW);                // turn it off when button is pressed                      relay_state[1] = 0;                       // and set its state as off                      }                                            if (relay_state[1] == 0) {                        digitalWrite(relay1, HIGH);               // turn it on when the button is pressed                        relay_state[1] = 1;                       // and set its state as ON                      }                      break;                        case button_2:  if (relay_state[2] == 1)  {                 // if first app is ON then                        digitalWrite(relay2, LOW);                // turn it off when button is pressed                        relay_state[2] = 0;                       // and set its state as off                      }                                            if (relay_state[2] == 0) {                        digitalWrite(relay2, HIGH);               // turn it on when the button is pressed                        relay_state[2] = 1;                       // and set its state as ON                      }                      break;            case button_3:  if (relay_state[3] == 1)  {                 // if first app is ON then                      digitalWrite(relay3, LOW);                // turn it off when button is pressed                      relay_state[3] = 0;                       // and set its state as off                      }                                            if (relay_state[3] == 0) {                        digitalWrite(relay3, HIGH);               // turn it on when the button is pressed                        relay_state[3] = 1;                       // and set its state as ON                      }                      break;            case button_4:  if (relay_state[4] == 1)  {                 // if first app is ON then                      digitalWrite(relay4, LOW);                // turn it off when button is pressed                      relay_state[4] = 0;                       // and set its state as off                      }                                            if (relay_state[4] == 0) {                      digitalWrite(relay4, HIGH);               // turn it on when the button is pressed                      relay_state[4] = 1;                       // and set its state as ON                      }                      break;       default: {                  Serial.print("Key ");                  Serial.print(value);                  Serial.println(" not programmed");                }                break;    }    Serial.println(value);          irrecv.resume();    Serial.println("Resumed the IR reciever");    } } CREDITS

This project is made by Naman Chauhan, a very talent electronic engineer, the original post here.