Campus Scientist UPCT 2013

DFRobot Jul 24 2013 2836

A meaningful event called "Campus Scientist UPCT 2013" was held in the UPCT (Politecnic University of Cartagena) last month. And a course activity called “Cooking your own microrrobot” sponsored by DFRobot was  a part of its event.

Last year, DFRobot sponsored this university graduate course called ”Cooking your own microrrobot” in Spain , the course means ”We want to promote the interest in the university, specially to students, (but not only, also professors, researchers, and so on) the interest in the develop of their own micrrorobots. “ according to Sergio Gallardo, proffessor at the University of Seville. DFRobot, as a proud sponsor, are exciting to see that so many students and kids are getting involved in this kind of event.