This is the perfect choice for your LattePanda, smartphone, tablet or any other device that requires fast charging.
What is a LattePanda?
A LattePanda is a complete Windows 10 single board computer! It includes everything a regular PC has and can do anything that a regular PC does. It is compatible with almost every gadget you know: printers, joysticks, cameras and more. Any peripherals that work on your PC will work on a LattePanda. A LattePanda comes pre-installed with a full, pre-activated version of Windows 10, where you can install powerful tools such as Visual Studio, NodeJS, Java, Processing, and more. Using existing APIs, you can develop your own software and hardware projects on a LattePanda as you would on a normal PC - C#, Javascript, Ruby and so on. Say goodbye to your bulky laptop!
Oct 17, 2021
NIfty accesory for the LattePanda. All USB Cables should be double sided like this!
Jan 21, 2025
Very practical cable.
Jan 21, 2025
Very practical cable.