The XL-MaxSonar®-WR sensor provides very short to long-range detection and ranging, in a compact, robust PVC housing, designed to meet IP67 water intrusion, and matches standard electrical ¾” PCV pipe fittings. The sensor puts 1/2 watt of peak power into the efficient transformer driving the transducer, yielding high output acoustic power. This acoustic power combined with continuously variable gain, real-time waveform signature analysis, and real-time noise rejection algorithms result in virtually noise-free distance readings for most users. This holds true even in the presence of many of the various acoustic or electrical noise sources. The XL-MaxSonar®-WRC1 detects objects from 3-cm to 645-cm (21.2-feet) and provides sonar range information from 20-cm out to 645-cm with 1-cm resolution. Objects from 3-cm to 20-cm range as 20-cm. The interface output formats included are pulse width output, analog voltage output, and serial digital output.
Note: This product has no temperature compensation.