With the development of society, people pay more attention to security. Traditional security, which is carried out by constant patrols by security personnel, is not suitable for the public due to high prices.
While, I recently came into contact with a laser ranging sensor - TF03, which has already reached to the industrial level. And its detect range is 180m. It can work normally with strong light and in rain or frog. Its production level is IP67 and uses UART port. Let's make a TF03 home security alarm device!
Designing Idea
Select arduino uno as the main control to communicate with TF03, which monitor the distance. Put the distance monitor to the boundary of the target area, the probe should be parallel to the boundary. Once any object cross the boundary, the value of distance will change. Then we can find out the position of cross-border by analyzing the abnormal distance value, and show the distance from a cross-border point to sensor. Then we can alert the intruder by trumpet and LED light and call a guard. Moreover, the device is designed with a master button. And the alarm can only be released by the master button.
This article introduces the Mind+(Mindplus) editor, which seamlessly combines block-based and text coding in its interface, facilitating an easier transition.